1. NAME :-
The name of the Forum shall be “FORUM OF WOMEN IN PUBLIC SECTOR”, to be known in short as “WIPS” or “the Forum”.
1. (a) VISION :
To make the Forum of Women in Public Sector, the largest unified network of working women in India
1. (b) MISSION :
i) To be a dynamic & vibrant forum
ii) To enhance professionalism and competence of working women in PSEs
iii) To ensure holistic development of women at large
iv) To promote an enabling and conducive environment at work place
v) To maximize Corporate Life Membership and Individual Membership
vi) To forge liaison with Government agencies / SCOPE for women friendly policies
1. (c) PLEDGE:
We, members of Forum of Women In Public Sector, solemnly affirm, that we shall make genuine efforts and take positive actions, to strengthen this Forum, and work with Team spirit, commitment, sensitivity, sincerity, honesty and integrity, for the common cause of women in general and growth of WIPS & its net-working, in particular. We also affirm to encourage and support our Team leaders, in fulfilling their assigned role and work together to strengthen each other and prevent any damage to the name of WIPS”
The office of the Forum will be situated at Core 8, SCOPE Complex, Lodi Road, New Delhi. (A room may be allocated for the office of WIPS in the SCOPE premises).
A) The Main Objectives of the Forum shall be to:-
i) Inspire and promote the integrated growth of women in public sector and to enhance their effectiveness in employment, in career management, and in overall development as a person.
ii) Play a catalytic role in improving the status of women in and around public sector undertakings. iii) Initiate formation of women cells/advisory forums involving the women employees and as far as possible other employees in each enterprise.
iv) Identify specific needs of women employees and suggest suitable programmes to be handled at the Regional as well as National Levels.
v) Develop an Information Centre/network for wide dissemination of information including a data base of women in public sector.
vi) Inspire and facilitate gender sensitive governance and gender balance at decision making levels to nurture and evolve socially responsive truly profitable organizations.
vii) Do all things conducive to the attainment of the above objects.
B) The focus will be on developing an effective, sustainable, and a vibrant network for amity and growth, for knowledge building and management, for maximizing the potential of women towards effective decision making in their spheres, for striving towards equal opportunities for development, and the like.
C) Incidental Objects:
(i) To carry on the functions to achieve the objectives of the Forum.
(ii) To establish or arrange for an office or a working place and other infrastructure facilities for carrying out the activities of the Forum such as arranging funds for the initiatives and activities of the Forum, opening of bank account, maintaining records, networking and liaison with the PSUs, Government Departments, other organisations, etc. and to facilitate interactions within the Forum’s network on a regular basis.
(iii) To enter into any arrangement with other organizations, Government, Associations etc. for having programmes and to enhance the image and objectives of the Forum.
(iv) To engage required personnel and to remunerate them for carrying out the activities and to further the objectives of the Forum.
(v) To perform all other acts and things incidental or ancillary to the attainment of the objectives of the Forum
Members will be of two kinds as detailed in the Rules of Business:
-- Individual Life Members
-- Corporate Life Members
Life members have the right to be a part of the network for mutual development and also participate in decision making processes of the Forum.
Apex Functional Committee (AFC):The President, Vice President, General Secretary and Treasurer of the Forum shall be collectively known as Apex Functional Committee (AFC) who will be overall functional charge holders of the activities of the Forum collectively.
ii) Central Governing Body (CGB):Central Governing Body (CGB) means the Central Governing Body of the Forum to make policies for the Forum and to ensure proper management and control of the Forum with the composition as described in Rule 4 of these Rules and with decision taking authority on matters of vital importance to the Forum.
(iii) Charter:The Charter means Charter of the Forum of WIPS and includes any amendment thereof made by the CGB by a special resolution.
(iv) Forum:Forum means the Forum of Women in Public Sector -- an autonomous and vital wing of Standing Conference of Public Enterprises (SCOPE) -- and a nodal network of women employees in Public Sector Undertakings.
(v) Members:
Members include Associate, Fellow, and Life Members-- both Individual and Corporate Individual Life Member: Any woman employee of a PSU who becomes a life member of the Forum by paying one time individual life time fee as prescribed in these Rules. Corporate Life Member: Corporate Life Member means any PSU which has become life member of the Forum by paying one time life membership fee of the Forum.
Associate Member:Any woman employee of PSU who enrolls herself as life member of the Forum and is not a fellow member.
(i) Fellow Member:Fellow member is an Associate member who has been an active office bearer or co-ordinator in the Forum for a minimum period of five years as explained in these Rules.
(vi) Public sector company/undertaking (PSE/PSU)A company in which not less than 26% equity is held by the Central/State Government.
(vii) Regional Chapter (RC)Regional Chapter means nodal chapter in all the four regions namely Northern, Eastern, Western and Southern which has office in Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai and Chennai respectively.
(viii) Regional Executive Body (REB)Regional Executive Body (REB) means an executive body in each region as explained in Rule 8.
(ix) Regional Functional Committee (RFC)The President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer of each regional chapter shall constitute the Regional Functional Committee (RFC) of that region.
(x) Rules of BusinessRules of Business means these Rules of Business as amended from time to time by the CGB by a special resolution.
(xi) SCOPESCOPE means Standing Conference of Public Enterprises, the parent body of the Forum.
(xii) Special ResolutionSpecial resolution means a resolution passed by not less than 3/4th of the office bearer members present in the CGB meeting or REB meeting as the case may be.
(xiii) WIPSWIPS means the Forum of Women in Public Sector as popularly known.
A. Corporate Membership
(a) Any company in the public sector may become a life member of the Forum by paying a one- time life membership fee of Rs. 15000/- (Fifteen thousand only).
(b) A corporate member shall nominate one of its women employees as coordinator to represent the Company and to network with the Forum. If a company has branches /units, it can have sub- coordinators too to represent the branch/unit .The coordinators can network with the Forum through the regional chapter/unit in the State in which the Company or its branch/unit is situated.
(c ) The advantage that would accrue to the corporate life members is that they can nominate three persons including the coordinator for the National Meets of the Forum without participation fee. Further such coordinators can hold offices at the Regional and Central levels on fulfillment of eligibility requirements under rule 8.
B. Individual memberships
(a) All women employed in Public Sector enterprises, who accept the objectives and policy of the Forum shall be eligible to become members of the Forum. Those women who have already become life members of the Forum and superannuated or left the public sector either on their own or due to privatization etc. would continue to be members but cannot seek or hold an office except in an advisory capacity or in an Advisory Committee that may be constituted by the Forum.
(b) Individual members can be life members. (i) Individual life membership fee shall be a one-time payment of Rs. 250/- (two hundred and fifty) only .
(c) The individual life members would be of two types, namely, Associate members and Fellow members. Every woman life member shall be enrolled as an associate member to start with. Only those members who have been associate members for a period of five years and have actively participated in the activities of the Forum at any level as a worker/co-ordinator or as an office bearer for a minimum period of five years and have become life members shall be eligible for Fellow membership .Only fellow members shall be eligible to hold the office of President at the Regional level as well as at the Central level.
(a) The fee under this rule may be reviewed once in five years and any change in the fee will be prospective and shall be decided by the Central Apex body by a special resolution.
(b) The register of members-- both corporate and individual-- shall be maintained and shall be made available on the web site of the Forum to be instituted which shall be updated as on the last day of each month by 7th day of the succeeding month.
Administrative organs of the Forum at the Central and Regional levels
The Forum will operate in a four tier system from the grass root level namely:-
1) Central Governing Body (CGB);
2) Apex Functional Committee (AFC);
3) Regional Executive Body (REB); There shall be four regions namely – North, East, West and South and each region shall have an executive body in Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai and Chennai.
4) Regional Functional Committee (RFC)
1. The Forum shall be managed and controlled by a Central Governing Body (CGB) with the following composition:-
a) President of the Forum
b) Vice-President of the Forum
c) General Secretary of the Forum
d) Treasurer of the Forum
e) President of each of the four Regional Chapters/Regions
f) Vice-President of each of the four regions/ Regional Chapters
g) Secretary of each of the four regions/ Regional Chapters
h) Treasurer of each of the four regions/ Regional Chapters
i) Immediate past President of the Forum
j) Vice President of SCOPE as observer /invitee ( optional ).
k) Two members to be chosen from amongst persons of repute actively interested in the growth and development of women in the Country and the world to be co-opted by the CGB ( Optional)
l) One member of the state (Optional )
2. The maximum strength of the Central Governing Body shall be 20/24 members as outlined above.
(a) The Apex Functional Committee (AFC) shall be comprised of the President, Vice President, General Secretary and the Treasurer as specified at Rule 4 (1) (a) to (d). Eligibility and Open System of Election:
(b) The AFC shall be elected at the National Meet by all the office bearers of the Central Governing Body (CGB) and Regional Executive Body (REB) present at the National office bearers Meeting from amongst the CGB and REB members who have worked as coordinator from a Company on the Forum of WIPS or EC member put together for a minimum of 7 (seven) years to be eligible for the post of President of the Forum who shall be the Chairman of the CGB.
(c) The CGB and REB members shall bring their written nomination forms duly filled in, in the format prescribed at Annexure-1 to these Rules.
(d) Those who are not able to attend will not be eligible to vote or contest.
(e) The CGB shall appoint two of the senior past office bearers of WIPS as Election officers and scrutinizers to announce the outcome of the election.
(f) In case of a tie for any post, the members present shall decide then and there by consensus or by show of hands.
(g) The result shall be declared at the meeting itself and binding on the Forum and cannot be called in question later either by the members present or absent.
1. Each member of the AFC/RFC shall hold such office for which elected for a maximum of two terms only.
They can seek election again for any other elevated post.
a) At least three months before the conclusion of the tenure, the General Secretary shall in consultation with the President circulate a copy of the prescribed Nomination form to the CGB and REB members to their usual addresses on record as per the list submitted by President of each region so as to reach them not later than 30th November of the relevant year previous to the election year.
b) b) Failure of the team in office to take steps for election will not entitle any of them to continue to hold the office beyond their tenure and they shall be deemed to have vacated their office. In that case other CGB & REB members may fill the nomination forms as per Annexure –1 and proceed to have the election system as detailed in Rule 5.
c) c) A list of the new team shall be put on the web site within 48 hours of the election meeting.
Each Region shall have a maximum of 20 office bearers with the following composition; President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, (the four to be known as Regional Functional Committee), other ordinary Executive Members (EC) which would include Jt. Secy, Jt. Treasurer, etc.
1. To be an ordinary EC member one should be a) life member or a coordinator of Corporate life member and, b) should have been an active worker of the Forum for a minimum of two years.
2. To hold office of Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, one should have worked as an EC member for two years and should have attended at least 3 of the meetings of the Coordinators/EC meeting as the case may be (to the extent of 50%), in the preceding term of 2 years.
3. To be a President of the Region who shall be the Chairman of the concerned REB, one should have been a Fellow member i.e. an office bearer and an active member/worker/co-ordinator put together of the Forum (not in their respective companies) for a minimum period of five years.
4. If a post is vacant or no one is available/willing to take up a post then these conditions can be relaxed by the REB at its meeting to the minimum extent necessary to get a candidate except that in the case of office of President no relaxation of the rules is permissible. Where a situation arises, where no appropriate candidate is available or willing who fulfils the eligibility criteria, then appropriate relaxation in the minimum no. of prescribed 5 years may be done by the CGB as a whole by a special resolution.
5. Regional Election Procedure APEX along with letter of intimation of National Meet and election notification with nomination forms shall circulate to Regional President/Secretary which has to be subsequently forwarded from there to REB and coordinators of Corporate Life members. Coordinators will intimate this to individual life members.
6) The proposer and seconder shall be from two distinct organisations.
7) As far as possible the EC members shall be drawn from different PSUs.
8) Each Region’s President/Secretary shall inform the AFC fifteen days before the date of their election meeting by fax, email, mobile message, or a letter by post.
9) AFC members may be invited as an observer (s) at such election or may be represented by an observer nominated by AFC from the concerned region so that information exchange is ensured. 10) The list of full team shall be ready within 48 hours of the election meeting of the region and sent to President/General Secretary of the Forum by the President/Secretary of each region.
Rule 9: Common Processes for the Central Governing Body (CGB) and Regional Executive Body (REB)
1. The nominated members of CGB should, as a rule, be nominated with effect from National Meet coinciding with the election and tenure of Apex Functional Committee (AFC). Any mid-term nomination would have to be revalidated at the Central Governing Body Meeting (CGBM) during the National Meet, customarily held on 11th February of the election year.
2. Similarly, each region should be ready with its nominations for Apex Functional Committee (AFC) and prospective Regional Functional Committee (RFC) of each region (the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer of each region) so that they are declared elected at the aforesaid CGBM on 11th February for two years coinciding with the tenure of AFC.
3. Thus the Central Governing Body as a whole would be re-elected and declared and introduced at the National Meet to the members and delegates at large as the CGB team for a period of two years. 4. Each region can after the aforesaid central election at the National Meet carry out election of their respective regions for taking their ordinary executive members (REB members) latest by 30th April of that year by following the procedure laid down in Rule 8.
5. Common Eligibility Condition:
The election seekers for both CGB and REB should have two years serving period, so that there is no gap in the post to avoid mid-term election.
Rule 10: Meetings of Central Governing Body
1. The Central Governing Body shall meet at least thrice a year – once on 11th February with office bearers of all regions present before the National Meet on 12th and 13th February each year; one meeting preferably in July-September and one, during November-January.
2. Major decisions of the Forum should as far as possible be taken at the 11th February meeting before the Meet. The November-December meeting would be necessary for finalising the matters
relating to next National Meet. Issues requiring attention between these two meetings may be discussed in addition to approval of Annual Accounts in July-August meeting.
3. The quorum for the meeting shall be not less than one-third of the total strength or seven members personally present whichever is higher. If any CGB member (s) from any region outside the State where meeting is held has difficulty to undertake travel to attend the meeting may send one of their REB members as a representative who can attend as an observer and for sharing of information/views. Presence of a representative will not be counted for the purpose of calculating quorum.
4. Notice of the meeting shall be sent by the General Secretary of the Forum preferably 15 days, at least 7 days, before the date of the meeting.
5. The Agenda papers shall preferably be sent at least 5 days before the meeting.
6. The minutes as far as possible may be recorded then and there in the Minutes Book kept for the purpose with its pages numbered serially without break. Each page of the minutes shall be signed by the General Secretary and the President of the Forum (Similar compliance to be done by Region President and Secretary at regional level).
7. In any case the minutes, if computer recorded, shall be maintained in serially numbered pages and signed as detailed in sub-rule 6 above.
8. Meetings shall be chaired by the President.
9. In the absence of President, Vice President/General Secretary/Treasurer in that order shall preside over the meeting as Chairman of the meeting.
10. At the National CGB Meeting, at least two AFC members and members from at least 2 Regions shall be present personally.
11. The presence of President and General Secretary of the Forum is a requirement at the CGB meeting held during the National Meet. Only in case of unavoidable circumstances leave of absence may be granted to President/General Secretary.
12. No member attending a meeting shall leave the meeting midway except in an emergency.This to be minuted. Otherwise it will be treated as indifference and breach of code of the Forum.
13. Decisions taken by the members present, which will be on simple majority approval or by special resolution where required, shall be final and binding on all the members of the CGB.
14. Succession planning may be initiated six months before the completion of tenure by the President of both CGB and REB.
Rule 11: Regional Executive Body Meetings
1) The REBs shall follow the norms laid down in Rule 10 in their respective regions as regards their regional body meetings.
2) The REB may fix a day in a month for a meeting with coordinators of the Region as was/is a good practice in same Regions.
3) The REB meetings shall be held once in two months either before or after the meeting with Coordinators on the same day for convenience as in sub-rule 2 above.
Rule 12: Networking Responsibility
1. Information on REB/Co-ordinators’ meetings may be sent in advance to AFC and RFC members of each region on net so that if possible one or more AFC members or REB members of other regions may join.
2. Role of such invitees at sub-rule (1) shall be primarily as observers or participators for sharing views in a spirit of knitting the teams and Forum further, and not as decision makers for the Region. 3. A quarterly intimation of the activities of the Region may preferably be communicated in the form of a newsletter on net to each of the other Regional President and Secretary and the President/ General Secretary of the Forum.
4. The President/General Secretary of the Forum and the President/Secretary of each region are
expected to communicate and do mutual sharing of information to one another on the net or by fax etc .for effective networking which is the key to functioning of the Forum.
5. The AFC and REB members placed in the same region should try to have mutual meetings once in six months for closer co-operation and camaraderie amongst members and for mutual stimulation towards team work.
6. Each region to update the list of co-ordinators and Life Members in the Region once a year by 31st October and put on the net.
7. The website of the Forum of WIPS shall be – This network shall be known as team knit for the WIPS team, which shall operate as the nodal network between CGB, AFC and RFC. Any member can send communication to this team website which is presently operative. Working in isolation will not take the Forum forward and the spirit is to progress in togetherness.
Rule 13: Codes/Decorum of the Forum
1. Central Governing Body (CGB) shall be the Supreme Authority for the Forum and not any individual office bearer at any level.
2. President of the Forum shall be the spokesperson and Chief of the Forum, subject to overall discipline of the Forum and its charter, Rules of Business, and the CGB decisions just like all other members.
3. The CGB shall be governed by the charter and the Rules of Business adopted by it. Any deviation from Rule is not permissible unless the Rule is first amended properly at a CGB meeting by a special resolution.
4. For activities of the Forum at the Regional level, President and REB of concerned region would be primarily responsible.
5. The AFC and RFC shall operate in mutual co-operation to strengthen the network and the activities of the Forum as a whole.
6. In pursuing the activities of the office one holds in the Forum, care should be taken so that the overall team spirit and objective of the Forum is not lost sight of at any level.
7. Constructive suggestion not criticism shall be the sacrosanct code to be put in practice as an antidote to dissolve negative thoughts or feelers, if any, that might arise at any stage at any level.
8. Utmost integrity and discipline in financial matters and in dealings with one another shall be maintained.
9. Holding an office shall be treated as a commitment and responsibility for the common good and advancement of the Forum.
10. In no circumstances one should try to seek any office by unfair means or hold on to any office on completion of tenure.
11. An outgoing President/Vice President/General Secretary/ Treasurer of both CGB & REBs shall properly hand over the papers of the Forum in their custody to the next incumbent with a proper handing over and taking over note.
12. Any person before seeking election/taking up any office shall undertake in writing that she has read the charter and Rules and would abide by them in the nomination form/consent form to take an office as given in Annexures 1 and 2 of these Rules.
13. All the decisions at REB and CGB meetings shall normally be by simple majority unless otherwise specified in these Rules.
Rule 14: Financial Matters/Guidelines
1. The financial year of the Forum shall be from 1st day of April until the last day of the March following.
2.a) Members subscription - 20% from Membership Fees of Individual Life Members enrolled during each Financial year, by the respective Chapters/Regions, shall be deposited in Apex Fund.
b) Funds raised through advertisements in Newsletters and Souvenirs; Sponsorships and Programmes.
3. Funds can be raised by each Region only for following purposes:-
a) To meet the expenses of its Regional Meet which allows participation from women of various PSUs without any fee.
b) To issue its newsletter once a year. c) To meet the cost of holding a development programme.
4) Miscellaneous expenses relating to carrying on routine work of correspondence, light refreshments during co-ordinators meeting, etc. should be met from existing funds.
5) A Souvenir shall be printed and raising of funds through Souvenir shall be done only once a year during the National Meet through the hosting region and AFC.
6) Logo shall be of SCOPE only. If any special logo for the Forum is desirable to depict what WIPS stands for it shall be done at the Central level after approval at a CGB meeting.
7) The budget for the whole Forum for each year including the Regions shall be discussed and laid down at the CGB meeting held during National Meet.
8) Economy, Transparency, and Accountability shall be the watchwords at the Central and Regional levels as every rupee is public money to be utilised with utmost discretion only for necessities and for development purposes.
9) The AFC and REBs are responsible and accountable to CGB by timely submission of accounts for the amounts spent by them.
10) It must be ensured by each Region while raising funds as a Forum’s good governance measure that a realistic assessment is made and only the required amount is raised, as repeated requests for funds in a year at random may not reflect the Forum in a good light.
11) Ceiling shall be evolved at the CGB meeting on amounts from a single company so that money power does not overshadow the real objective, team spirit, and soul of the Forum.
12) The funds raised by regions individually as part of their regional activities shall be deposited with a scheduled bank in the Region and operated by the Secretary and Treasurer of the respective regions.
13) Funds raised for National Meet shall be deposited in a separate account by the hosting region to be operated by President, Secretary and Treasurer of the hosting region preferably and where possible jointly with President/General Secretary/Treasurer of AFC for convenience.
14) The hosting region shall ensure that the National Meet accounts are closed latest by 31st March in joint collaboration with AFC members and 20% (twenty per cent) of the surplus funds generated shall be transferred to the bank account in a scheduled bank maintained/to be maintained by the AFC latest by 30th April after adjusting the advances, loans, if any.
15) All the regions shall close their accounts for each year as on 31st March and send their audited accounts signed by the President, Secretary and Treasurer of the RFC by 30th June.
16) The AFC shall compile the accounts of each region and present a consolidated audited accounts within two months duly signed by President, General Secretary and Treasurer of the Forum to the CGB at its meeting by 31st August for approval and adoption along with an Annual Report of the Forum consolidating the activities of each region.
17) The adopted annual accounts and an annual report on the activities of the Forum shall be submitted by the AFC to SCOPE and Corporate Life Members and on the Forum’s web site by 31st December for information.
18) To suit the changing times and needs, any modification in the financial guidelines, budget, etc. shall be done by a special resolution at a CGB meeting.
19) Books of Accounts:
The AFC and RFC shall ensure that proper accounts and other relevant records are kept of all sums of money received and expended by and on behalf of the Forum and Region respectively with supporting vouchers and the books of accounts/ documents are maintained properly.
Rule 15: Connectivity with SCOPE
SCOPE’s presence and participation in the Forum
1. Two representatives of SCOPE may be nominated to attend Central Governing Body meetings as observers.
2. They shall not be counted for the purpose of quorum.
3. The Forum shall be responsible to ensure submitting of audited annual accounts and annual report to SCOPE by 31st December every year and AFC shall be responsible to interact with DG /Chairman SCOPE at least twice a year to give clarifications or discuss issues that may arise.
4. SCOPE may include data on WIPS in its Kaleidoscope, Annual Report, and Policies and similarly WIPS may also highlight SCOPE’s activities in a nutshell in its bulletin.
5. SCOPE may ensure that gender balance in organisations is one of the issues pursued with Companies, Government, etc. and WIPS will also pursue them for balanced growth of PSUs. In this process, SCOPE may accommodate women Directors from PSUs on their various Committees.
Rule 16: Coordinators -- their role
• The Public Sector Undertaking shall nominate one employee of their organisation who can act as the Coordinator. The Coordinators nominated by the Public Sector Undertaking will be responsible for:
• Keeping close contacts with local chapter President/Secretary/ Executive Committee.
• Enrolling Members for the Forum from their respective organisations.
• Collecting and remitting the subscription to their respective Secretary/Treasurer regularly.
• Act as a catalyst between the organisation she represents and the Forum.
• Take up relevant issues pertaining to the women employees with the Forum.
For the PSUs which have several units in different States of the country, there will be only one Coordinator; however, a representative will be identified from one unit from each region and they will have interaction with the respective regional chapters President, Secretary, Executive Body and locate Unit Nominee and also with the main coordinator of her Company. The main coordinator, in turn, will have close liaison with Regional representative and keep her advised of the developments.
Rule 17: Role and Responsibilities of office bearers
(1) The President of the Forum, as the Chief of the Forum shall have the powers to:
(a) take a lead in the activities of the Forum and to guide the regions.
(b) Sanction expenditure on items approved in the Budget at a CGB meeting.
(c) To project the Forum in the public keeping with its charter and Rules.
(d) To correspond and authorise any AFC/Region President to correspond on behalf of the Forum with companies, other organisations, etc.
(e) To exercise the powers as may be granted under the Rules of Business and by the decisions of CGB.
(2) The General Secretary shall be the administrative In-charge for running the Forum in consultation with the President of the Forum and to discharge the functions under the Rules of Business. (3) The Treasurer of Forum shall:-
(a) be responsible to see that all contributions/subscriptions are duly collected and funds disbursed as per directions of the CGB.
(b) Ensure proper and due precautions for the safe custody of cash, cheque books, books of accounts, vouchers of the Forum and deposit moneys received into the banking account of the Forum.
(c) Prepare periodical returns of the financial activity of the Forum for perusal of the CGB.
(d) Ensure annual budget and final accounts of the Forum are finalised in time and banking arrangements are in order.
(4) (a) The President of each region shall be the In-charge at the Regional level with powers to organise the activities in their respective regions within the framework of Charter, Rules of Business and the decisions of CGB.
(b) The Region President can evolve norms for the region within the aforesaid overall framework and get it passed in their REB meetings.
(c) The Region President may evolve a networking with other REB members, coordinator, etc. and assign roles and areas of work to each of their team members.
(5) The Secretary of each region shall be the administrative in-charge for the respective regional activities to be discharged in consultation with the Regional President.
(6) The treasurer of each region shall correspondingly discharge the responsibilities given above at sub-rule 3 (a) to (d) in respect of finances in the hands of the region.
Rule 18: Dispute Redressal
1. Any grievance/complaint of any member shall be sent to the President/General Secretary of the Forum.
2. It shall be put up by the President/General Secretary as the case may be of the Forum to the Central Governing Body at its meeting held after receipt of such complaint.
3. The Central Governing Body shall as a whole take a stand on the issue raised which shall be minuted then and there and signed by all those present and cannot be called in question later.
4. As the Forum is a voluntary network for overall mutual development, the above simple procedure should suffice to meet differences amongst members.
Rule 19 : Miscellaneous
The CGB shall be the authority to settle/remove any ambiguity in the Charter/Rules or make/delete any rule by a resolution passed at its meeting or make policy guidelines which shall form part of these Rules. These Rules shall come into effect soon after they are approved by a special resolution at the CGB meeting.